Privacy Policy


This is a demo environment designed solely for testing and demonstration purposes. Users should not assume that their data is secure within this environment. No healthcare data should be inputted or stored here.

Data Collection

We may collect data solely for the purpose of demonstrating the features and functionalities of this demo environment. This data is not secure and should not include any sensitive or personal healthcare information.

Data Security

As this is a demo environment, data security measures are minimal. Users should not expect any level of data protection or confidentiality.

User Responsibility

Users are responsible for ensuring that no real or sensitive healthcare data is entered into this demo environment. This platform is not designed or intended to handle or store any secure information.

No Liability

We accept no liability for any data breaches, loss, or misuse of data within this demo environment. By using this environment, users acknowledge and accept this risk.


This demo environment is for test and demo purposes only. Users should not expect any security or confidentiality of data entered here. Do not input any healthcare data.